Planning Ahead To Gift A Car For Christmas
Posted on: 26 September 2019
Those big-ticket Christmas gifts like new vehicles are usually not a last-minute, spur-of-the-moment purchase – they're the type of gift you get so excited about gifting that you start planning for the purchase months ahead. If you're planning on gifting a car to someone you love this year, you've got several weeks of excitement left to get through the selection and purchasing process. Here, you'll find a few tips that can help you plan the purchase, storage, and presentation of the car to reduce the stress you might be feeling so that you can enjoy the moments leading up to the presentation.
Kind of Car
Do you know what kind of car that you want to buy? Often, when cars are gifted, it's because the person has had their eye on that particular car for a while. If you know what type of car you want to buy, half the battle is over – you just have to find the best deal on the car in the nicest condition. If you don't know what type of car you're looking for, you're going to have a lot more leg work to do.
For those of you who aren't sure of the type of car, there are lots of things to consider before choosing anything. You want to be sure that the recipient will be able to afford the insurance coverage and the maintenance costs and that they'll be able to handle the power of the car you're considering.
Hide It Until the Holidays
Once you have the car picked out and purchased, you'll have to find somewhere to stash it until Christmas morning. One good place to hide it is in a storage unit at a facility like Kenney's Delivery, Inc. You can lease a storage unit for the months until Christmas, and you can stash the rest of the gifts in there with it. Then, when Christmas Eve comes around, you go to the storage unit, drive the car to your house, unload all of the gifts under the tree, and go to bed for the night – no more last-minute scurrying about trying to get everything wrapped. You can even do the wrapping right there in the unit with no eyes trying to peek to see what you're doing.
This can make for an exciting addition to any family's Christmas. If you do it right, it won't cause any more stress than any other gift will, but it will create a lot more excitement!